Logo is the business identity so keep it on the top left corner of each page on the site. Place contact information like phone number, email in the top right corner of each page. Use search feature in the header section. Use sign up, social icons and subscribe to email updates in the footer.

For mobile friendliness, site should be responsive web designed. For this, various different tools are used  that create a hybrid of workflow such as Dreamweaver which is popular software tool or editor to create HTML pages including CSS, XML, PHP and much more.

Web designer use Photoshop to create website mockups or design individual elements to use in the website. It has many features like quick color fills, brush tool and many more.

There should be effective use of images that enhances user experience and thus increase conversion sales. Use real people images of good quality and optimize the proper file size of the images.

Choose a typeface which is readable and size should be at the least 12px for body. Line-height property which specifies the vertical distance between lines should be 1.5 which is damn good size for larger blocks. Try to prefer black over white background and be aware of contrast of your text.

Choose a pleasing color scheme that represents your company, brand and service. The most used colors by many designers are blue, red, black and yellow creates harmony in design. Colors are so powerful to grab audience’s attention.


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